My studio is in my home, in Southern California.
Every inch of it is filled with things that inspire me-
books, colors, textures, and antique fabrics from my favorite designers.
And of course, my supplies themselves. Just glancing at the brushes and dyes makes me want to create.
My studio represents how I feel about my work- Passionate!

The Silk Painting Process
One of my favorite surface designs is silk painting.
There are many steps in creating a hand-painted silk scarf.
A quick glimpse of the main steps is as follows:
- The design (as pictured above) begins as PURE WHITE, 100% silk, and is attached to stretcher bars.
- My design is outlined with a resist to keep the dyes from running together.
- I apply the vibrant French silk dyes, one brush-stroke at a time, until the
design is completed.
- I then begin the lengthy dye-setting process, to make the scarf wash-fast.
- Even though some designs may be similar, no two pieces are ever completely